Monday, January 30, 2012


Here's latest for all who are interested:

The doctors came by this morning and told me that I was staying at least another day. The medicine I am on is working to slow the contractions, however, I still have episodes every couple of hours (usually an hour or so before my next dose of medicine) where my contractions will get to a couple minutes apart and the doctors are not comfortable sending me home when they are that frequent. I still cannot feel these contractions, which is a good sign.
I was a little disappointed this morning when the doctors told me I was staying - however, after thinking I realized I really am so blessed to be monitored as close as I am and I want to keep our little boy growing as much as he can before he is born - so everyday that goes by without my C-section is a huge blessing! It is so worth it, being here in the hospital to help my baby boy! My mom is flying here tomorrow morning which I am so grateful for.
The doctors are going to hopefully form some sort of plan and let me know later today. Plan meaning how long they will let these contractions continue before they decide to perform the C-Section. The situation is not black and white, which is why everything is pretty much day by day. I asked one of the doctors why I started having contractions and she said they don't know. She said some women who aren't monitored closely with weekly NST's, will have contractions like this for a large part of their pregnancy and a lot of times there won't be any problems, however, because of my history and my scar they are concerned.

I will keep everyone updated.
Thank you for your prayers!


  1. Prayers are coming your way! Love you!

  2. I agree with you that although it might be hard to feel stuck at the hospital it is so nice to be monitored. Then you don't have to be at home worrying if they are happening more frequent or not. I am so glad you mom gets to fly out. There is just something about mom being there. I am glad you little boy continues to be doing well. We are excited to meet you little guy but we can wait til Feb 24th so just hold on a little bit longer! :) Thanks for the update!
