Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Pregnancy Update

I am at work and have a little down time so I thought I’d give a little pregnancy update but you’ll have to forgive the lack of pictures – I’ll post some soon.

February 24th is the day we get to meet our little guy. Less than 1 month! We are so excited!
February 24th is also my sister’s (Erica) due date!

You may be doing to the math in your head and realizing that Feb. 24th is quite a bit early…with my due date being March 18th and all. Yes, I will be 36 weeks and 5 days to be exact. My doctor told me I got to choose a day between the 21st and the 24th. We want our little guy to grow as much and as big as he can before birth so we picked the last possible day. Plus wouldn’t it be so cool for me and my sister to have babies on the same day! : )It still seems a bit early to me…but I trust my doctor. The whole reason for the early C-section, in case you are curious – if your not curious just skip ahead because this may be too much information, is because I had a “Classical C-section” with Collin (which means they cut my uterus vertically) so that they could lift him out easier. So basically, I am not “allowed” to go into labor or have contractions because of the risk of my uterus rupturing. Chris is so cute in making sure I am resting and taking it easy so I don’t overdue it and accidently go into early labor.

My doctor is monitoring me and the baby very closely as a precaution because of the complications with Collin. This means I have NST (Non-stress tests) every week – which entails an ultrasound to measure the amount of amniotic fluid and also tracking his heart rate with these fancy machines for 20 minutes, plus doctor appointments every other week, and another growth ultrasound scheduled for the beginning of February. I love all the attention and the reassurance it provides. I still get nervous or afraid sometimes that something will go wrong. It’s hard not too. But I do feel peace and have faith that God is in control.

Less than 1 month!


  1. I am so, so excited for you :), and can't wait to see pictures of your sweet little man!

  2. Yeah! Glad everything is going so well. I can't believe it is getting so close. Thanks for the update!
