Tuesday, January 31, 2012

February 7th

So we spoke to my doctor yesterday here's the latest:
My C-section has been moved up from Feb. 24th to a new date of Feb. 7th. Yes, one week from today. I will be 34 weeks and 2 days. After hearing this we were a bit shocked and worried thinking wait a second this is way too soon, can't we just stretch it out longer until these contractions really start hurting. However, after speaking with Dr. Blumenfeld we couldn't refute. He did say if these contractions were to stop then they would consider stretching the date out or on the other hand if things got worse they would move the date up, but most likely we are going to meet our little boy in a week! I'm excited to meet him but wish he could grow more before. I don't love the idea of having my second son in the NICU...I know this situation is very different and he is healthy and a lot bigger than Collin was, but it's still a little tough to swallow.
My doctor did an excellent job explaining to us why they felt our baby needed to come next week, I will try to summarize a few things here, although there is no way I'll be able to cover everything.
- The whole point in scheduling my C-section for the 27th (36 weeks and 5 days) was to avoid me ever having contractions, now here I am having had constant contractions for 5 days.
- I am on the highest dose of anti contraction (it has a different name I'm just not sure how to spell it) medicine that the doctors can give me, yet I am still contracting.
- The doctors don't have an explanation as to why I am contracting and there may be some underlying cause, such as placental problems that are causing my uterus to contract.
- My previous Classical C-Section was done when my uterus was still very small, which means the scar most likely covers a large portion of my uterus thus making it extra weak.
- Despite the fact that I am not feeling pain with these contractions they are affecting and weakening my scar.
- The risk and outcome if my uterus were to rupture could be catastrophic and far outweighs the benefit of keeping my baby in longer when he should most likely do fine with no long term effects at 34 weeks.

Overall, we trust our doctor and the care I am receiving.

I had a few nightmares about my uterus rupturing last night...it may be a long week.
My mom flew in this morning and will be here in a couple of minutes. I am so grateful she is able to come even with my dad on a business trip - thank you Megan and Matt for babysitting the kids so Mom could be here!!
Oh a nice volunteer lady, Marilyn, came by yesterday and taught me how to knit. I'll have to add pictures of my progress (I've only got like 3 lines done at this point)
Chris is the best for sleeping here every night with me, when I know he doesn't get much sleep.


  1. Good luck Robyn! You and your little boy are in my thoughts and prayers!! It really is amazing the blessings of modern medicine.
    Katy@ peanutsandlace.blogspot.com

  2. WOW!!! keep it up! talk about overwhelming, you guys are amazing we will continue to have you in our prayers. Hopefully you have a quick cooker like me and you and Mr. Chris/Robyn will be home in a few days! Best of luck, we love you!

  3. I am so glad they are taking every precaution necessary! What a wonderful Medically Advanced world we live in! They will be able to take good care of your little guy whenever he needs to come! We will pray everything goes smoothly. We love you!

  4. I'm sorry you are still In the hospital. But I'm so glad that you are getting the care you need! Good luck in the next week!

  5. You are an inspiration. I'm so glad that they are comfortable that it'll all be okay. We'll keep praying for you guys!

  6. Robyn, I just want you to know that you are on the minds of all the girls at SHC. We hope everything goes well and we are thinking about you. Wish we were closer to come visit :)
