Time just flies by! I can't believe Ethan is already 8 months! It seems like just yesterday we were bringing him home from the hospital.
Ethan is such a joy! I seriously can't get enough of him.
A few things about Ethan at 8 months:
- Crawling. He gets faster and faster every day. It started as an army crawl and just today he started a few "offical" crawl steps.
- 2 bottom teeth and 2 top teeth popping through.
- Loves to look at himself in the mirror.
I say he gets it from his dad ; )
- Still wakes up at least 2 times during the night...sometimes more. Hopefully he will just learns to sleep through the night himself...crying it out doesn't work very well when we only have a one bedroom apartment.
- takes 3, 30-45 minute, naps a day. Occasionally he'll surprise me with an hour + nap
(like right now!)
- Great eater and has been learning to pick things up and feed himself (although I still feed him baby food jars and oftentimes pick up the little pieces of food and stick them in his mouth...but he is improving). The only thing he hasn't liked is the Gerber Mac n' Cheese. Loves strawberries, avocado, bread, bananas, cheerios, and all baby food jars (except the mac n' cheese).
- Is very persistent and will crawl to something over and over again. He was playing with a plastic bag the other day and so of course I took it away and hid it under the crib (it had diapers from Costco in it) anyways he immediately crawled and stretched his arm under the crib and grabbed the bag and began shaking all the diapers out. After a minute of watching him I threw the bag in the garbage and without skipping a beat Ethan crawled to the garbage knocked it over and began playing with the bag again! Persistent little fellow!
- Favorite "toys" are cords, floor heaters, shoes, plastic bags, toilet bowls...you get the idea.
- Loves the water. The swimming pool and the bath.
- Loves attention and loves other babies.
- Loves his dad. He often cries when Chris leaves to work in the morning. Is a mamma's boy at heart. If he's sad, he wants mom.
- Loves the outdoors, especially the park.
- Is randomly scared of certain people. He bursts into tears whenever he sees my neighbor and my apartment manager, but is fine with most other people.
- He is such a happy little guy and we love him so much!!
Just look at that little face! So kissable! We love you Ethan!