Tuesday, April 24, 2012

2 Months

*For some reason I cannot get the formatting to work and so the post is all smashed together - hopefully it isn't too hard to read* Mr. Ethan is 2 months old! I absolutely love everything about him. I want to hold him every second of the day and am having to adjust to laying him down sometimes while he naps so that I can get a few things done - aka. clean, shower, update the blog : ) Ethan's 2 month stats: Head Circumference - 39.5 centimeters - 60th percentile Height - 22.5 inches - 30th percentile Weight - 11 pounds 12 ounces - 45th percentile Ethan got his shots yesterday and Chris and I both felt so horrible for him. He didn't even know what was coming. Totally happy one minute and then in absolutely pain the next. He is such a tough little guy and only cried for a couple seconds but the cries were ones we had never heard before - so sad! I was happy Chris was able to come with us. At two months: - Ethan loves to sleep. He is an awesome night sleeper, usually goes to sleep between 8 and 10 and wakes up once around 3 and then again around 6 or 7. He also loves to sleep during the day. He had his mom worried that he was sleeping too much and got to experience his first urgent care visit. (He was totally fine and the doctor just said some babies like to sleep a lot) - Ethan loves attention. He loves to be held and talked to. I love that he'll be fussy and as soon as Chris or I pick him up he immediately stops - He makes you work for a smile. He is just learning to smile and makes you really work to get one out of him. I haven't been able to catch a good one on camera yet, I'm sure it will come. - He has had one too many blow outs in the last week. I think he is telling me to go up a diaper size. - He is super chill in his car seat and usually falls asleep when he is in it. - He eats every 3 to 4 hours during the day. - He loves the Binki - He is growing out of the grunting phase. He definitely still grunts every so often but nothing like before. Chris and I love our little Ethan so much!


  1. So sweet! I totally know what 'grunting phase' you are talking about.. ha ha love it! I'm loving your posts! So happy for you guys

  2. Yay!! So cute Robyn! I'm glad everything turned out ok with the Urgent Care visit!! Hope we get to see you soon!
