Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter. I couldn't write a post without acknowledging what a special day it is today. Today I miss Collin. I am sad that I do not get to celebrate Easter with Collin here. But at the same time I have joy because Christ is resurrected. He is Risen! We will be with Collin again. He is our son and always will be. This Easter day I am so grateful for my Savior!

On another note: Chris and I went golfing together this week (well not official golfing - just hitting a bucket of balls). I have golfed a bit in the past (by a bit I mean once or twice). This time I discovered a couple of things I must have forgotten:
1. Golfing is not as easy at it looks
2. Real golf is nothing like playing the Wii
3. I am terrible at golf.
I enjoyed playing with Chris but honestly I couldn't figure out the correct distance from the ground the golf club needed to be because I kept missing the ball. *I was using Chris's clubs - so maybe I'd be better with a set my size...right??
I have even more admiration for Chris's golf skills after playing.

One more thing: We bought a Wii. I never thought I'd say this ... but I'm actually enjoying it. It's surprisingly fun to play Wii sports every now and again. Plus, I dominate at sword fighting...not to brag or anything but I'm pretty much undefeated : )


  1. i hate golfing haha good for you for going! thats awesome! and isn't having the knowledge of the gospel amazing!!! oh and really random.. we were watching home videos today and some videos of me and your sister erika came on when we did gymnastics and then at my birthday party.. pretty funny!
