Thursday, November 11, 2010

A few thoughts

I've got lots of thoughts running through my head today. I thought I'd share a few.

- I went to Yoga last night with Erica. A couple things I learned - Yoga is not nice and relaxing it is strenuous and hard. I am not even the tinest bit flexible (this isn't really knew knowledge but still). I woke up this morning sore - from YOGA - yes it made me feel very out of shape.

- With the Holidays soon approaching I've thought alot about decorating my house. The only issue (which is a farily large issue) - I am so not creative when it comes to things like that. My problem is I'll go into the store - TaiPan Trading or Hobby Lobby - for an hour and come out with nothing. I don't have the mind like some people do where they can look at something and picture the perfect little nook in their house where it belongs. I want to have a cute house - a quest that will take lots of time/failed attempts I am sure.

- This whole marathon goal is going to be a lot of work. For some reason I am running like everyday and still feel out of shape. I have already paid for the marathon so don't worry I am not backing out. Another thing, lets pray for a warm winter, it would make my training much easier.

- Chris and I are excited about going on a vacation together after he graduates, probably like Janurary or something. We just haven't decided where we want to go yet. It's actually gotten to be pretty stressful trying to decide a good place for a vacation. Shouldn't everything about a vacation be nice and relaxing? Why am I feeling stressed?

- I miss Collin. I know that after he was born I had to recover -but I wish that I could have been with him more. I wish that I would've sat in the NICU and held his little feet longer. I really miss him. One thing I have learned is to cherish every single moment you have with your loved ones. Erica told me about a family living in Taiwan the mom and dad are doctors so they take their baby to live at a nanny's house Monday through Saturday. Saturday they pick up their baby until Sunday night when they take their baby back to the nanny's house. Don't be like that. Hug and kiss your kids. Take them to the park. Show them you love them by being there. Trust me, it's not fun when they are gone. I love you Collin


  1. All I have to say is AMEN to all of that. Cherish every moment with your kids. Don't stress about vacations... even though I always do. And I am also not creative. Although there are fleeting moments when I seem to have a knack... then it goes away as fast as it came. You just need your mom and sisters to help! They are all cute and creative.

  2. I will help you decorate your house! And if you don't like my ideas, I will recommend Ashley and Nizhoon who are both VERY talented interior designers. And planning a vacation should be fun so just relax, take a breath, decide what you like to do on vacation, and then go from there :)

    PS... I am a little terrified about YOGA now because I am WAY out of shape

  3. I have the same problem with decorating. I always use Leisha to help me out. You should take a few pictures of places you want to decorate and bring your camera. Maybe we could find a few things when we get together this next weekend. Maybe I could even get Leisha to come with us. She is amazing at things like that!

    Thanks for the reminder. I need to cherish my kids more.

  4. PS...

    I am so glad you are planning a trip. I LOVED Cancun. That would be a great place :) I am sure it will be wonderful for you guys to go!m I am so excited for you!
