Tuesday, September 25, 2012

7 Months

A few things about Mr. Ethan at 7 months:
- He loves to chat with himself in the mirror. 
- He is awesome at sitting up and rolling...everywhere! He very mobile and before we know it he will be crawling. Like within days...
- He is great at eating his baby food. I haven't determined a favorite, he seems to like it all. 
- He is not so great at drinking his milk (nursing).  We have to be in the same spot in our apartment, he has to be very tired, and there has to be ZERO distraction for him to nurse. 
- He is a social little guy and loves other babies, kids, adults, people in general. 
- He loves to jump. We bought him a bouncer and he loves it!   
- The other day he "jumped" (fell really) out of his bumbo onto the table and was headed for the floor, luckily I was a ninja and caught him. It gave me a heart attack. He no longer sits in the bumbo. 
- He loves peek-a-boo
- He is very ticklish and has the cutest laugh (check out the video at the bottom)
- He is such a happy baby! 

We love our little guy.


I did my frist triathlon on Saturday and LOVED it! Yeah, it was just a sprint (400 meter swim, 10 mile bike, and 3 mile run) but hey I've got to start small and work my way up, Iron man here I come! Just kidding, I'm not that crazy. But seriously, I can't wait for the next one. 

The swim was interesting...I have never done any open water swimming, other than playing around in the ocean, which surely doesn't give me any sort of advantage. I was a little over confident in my swimming abilities and started at the front and was attacked with swarms of people before I finished my first stroke. After I finally got started, I realized that lakes don't have lines at the bottom like the swimming pool which meant my ability to swim in a straight line was shot. Luckily the swim was only 400 meters so I survived. 

The bike and run felt great! I was proud of myself for finishing the run in 23:17, definitely my strongest  portion of the race. My total time was 1:06:26. I loved it and am so excited for the next one.
 I did the race with 4 other ladies from my ward. So fun!

 Ethan wasn't sure what to think of green headed mom

My fans. 

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

One lucky girl

Isn't he just the cutest little guy you ever did see? I'm totally not biased at all.
I love him. I love every minute of being a mom. I am so blessed to have a wonderful husband who not only is incredibly good looking but works so hard so I can hang out with Mr. Ethan all day. I'd say, I'm one lucky girl.