So, Tuesday I woke up to a very sore throat, I figured it would go away throughout the day but it didn’t and when I was examining my throat I noticed a giant white spot on my tonsil. The white spot was a little alarming to me because I had never seen anything like it. I felt generally fine throughout the day so I was just going to sleep it off. However, once I told Chris about the white spot he thought for sure I should go to the doctor – we settled on calling our moms to see what they would say, and unfortunately for me they both agreed with Chris. I still was not super convinced, because yes I felt generally fine other than the very sore throat, anyways I called my OBGYN to see if I could schedule an appointment to come in to see him and to see what he thought, at this point it was nearly 9:00 PM (I had his cell phone number). He told me that the OB Clinic doesn’t have strep test equipment and since I don't have a general doctor here in CA he recommended that I go into the ER to get a test done. I was thinking,
the ER! Yeah right, but of course didn’t say that to him, but we hung up and Chris and I started looking for Urgent Care Facilities nearby. Because who goes to the ER for a sore throat! In the meantime the doctor calls me back and tells me that he has called the Residences at the Stanford ER and told them I would be coming in. I told him that I was actually looking into going to an Urgent Care at which point he convinces me to just go the Stanford ER.
It will be easier and less of a hassle he says. Well when your doctor is telling you to go to the ER, you go, even though...yes I felt fine. My doctor did give me the option to wait until the morning but said that it will most likely be less busy if I went that night, little did my doctor know, Tuesday night seemed to be the night for trauma’s plus there was a lock down going on (there must have been a someone from Prison or something in the ER – because the place had cops everywhere)! Needless to say my sore throat was far from an emergency and so we ended up waiting for 4 hours. Chris was actually still at work when I went in around 9:45, but he came and met up with me when he got off at midnight. And yep, you guessed it, I did not have strep. I just had/well have a ‘tonsil stone’ (which is actually pretty gross – something stuck in my tonsil). So I spent Wednesday very tired and frustrated about the whole experience. However, I’d much rather err on the side of 'overreaction' when it comes to my health which could effect our baby. I also tried to get the stupid thing out of my tonsil, which only resulted in plenty of gagging and poking and possibly even pushing it back further, and... no success. I am hoping the doctors solution of gargling warm salt water will work, because this thing is driving me nuts! I also managed to catch a cold probably from the lack of sleep/sitting in the ER with sick people for 4 hours. You'll be proud to know that I made the grown up decision yesterday to not let the tonsil stone ruin my week. I'm sure the whole experience will become quite comical to me - once I get completely caught up on my sleep and depending on the bill we receive...
I am happy that my baby is not affected by my throat, happy that our ultrasound is scheduled for this Tuesday and happy that my family is coming to visit next weekend!!! YAY