Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Baby #2

Yep. Chris and I are expecting baby #2. Due March 27th, which makes me 11 weeks. We are so excited. I am happy that Collin is going to be a big brother -I know he is going to watch over his siblings. I'm excited to tell them all about him.

The first ultrasound picture is at 7 weeks and then second one is at 11 weeks. The 11 week picture is not the greatest - the ultrasound was on one of those little portable machines and the picture looked much better on the screen then when the doctor printed it. Also our little one is a mover! He or she was moving around during the ultrasound and so we couldn't get a great picture. It was neat because during the ultrasound I could see our little one's arms and legs - but the picture just looks like blobs. The important thing is that our baby is growing and has a strong heartbeat.

This pregnancy is different than my last. I almost don't want to post the events of my pregnancy thus far because I do not at all want to sound like I am complaining. I am so excited to be pregnant and am willing to go through anything, whatever it takes, for this baby and I don't ever want to sound ungrateful because this pregnancy is an incredible blessing.

That being said I want to share a few stories. First, remember when I blogged about my trip to NY and the 'interesting' experience on the flight. Well here's the story. At that point I was about 5 weeks pregnant. I was just starting to feel sick and I had an early morning flight. I ate breakfast and headed to the airport, by the time I reached my gate I was a bit hungry but told myself I could certainly wait until lunch, I mean come on I had just eaten breakfast! Anyways I get on the flight and just after our plane takes off I start feeling really nauseous. I do not want to throw up in the little bags they provide so I asked my neighbor if I could get out to use the restroom (I was at the window seat). He leaned over to the guy next to him and that is that last thing I remember. I apparently passed out and luckily was buckled in my seat when I did. When I came too, I was surrounded by flight attendants, covered in sweat and confused as to what had happened. It just took me a second to replay the events in my head and realize that I had passed out - I felt sick. There was a doctor on board, a super nice lady, who came and sat on the edge of the row while I laid down. My blood pressure and heart rate were both low which made them all nervous, so they had me on oxygen. Oh and this all happened within the first 30 minutes, so I still had 4 hours ahead of me. I threw up a couple of times and just felt so horrible. Meanwhile, Chris receives a call from air traffic control telling him that his wife is not doing well on the flight and he needs to meet me at the gate. (the orginal plan was for me to take a taxi and meet him at the hotel that night because he was going to be at work when I arrived). He was worried! - although I did tell them to make sure he knew I was okay when they contacted him. Anyways, this is turning into a long story - I eventually made it to NY and Chris was there very grateful to see that I was walking and doing a bit better. Needless to say we took it easy that trip. My doctor wasn't too worried about the whole thing which was comforting.

Okay story #2 takes us to Labor Day. The Oakland Temple was opened Labor Day morning and so Chris and I took the opportunity to go. During the session while kneeling at the alter I again passed out. I felt this one coming on and was able to whisper to Chris just in time for him to catch me, which was very lucky because otherwise I would have hit my head pretty hard. I felt pretty sick after that experience too and ended up throwing up. I think I always need to keep food in my stomach and if I feel any signs of passing out then I just need to lay down. Hopefully that was the last of my passing out episodes but I will definitely keep you all updated...

This pregnancy is also different because I am taking blood thinner (Enoxaparin or Lovenox) shots. Once in the morning and once at night. They do hurt but it is so worth it! I do not dread these shots or feel bad about them at all because I know it is going to help our little one.

Anyways, there you go, a little taste of my pregnancy thus far. Other than the passing out episodes and tiredness/nauseous feelings everything is going great! I feel so blessed to be pregnant. Look I am even starting to show : )


  1. Wow, those are quite the stories!! I am so excited for you and will be praying for a flawless pregnancy. Hope you are doing well. Keep posting so I can follow your progress:)

  2. Congratulations! We are so excited for you both, and will keep you and your new little one in our prayers!

  3. YAY!!! Congrats! That's soo wonderful. We are one week apart!! That is soo cool! I'm happy for you so happy!

  4. Congrats on #2! I'm sure Collin is teaching your baby now. I am so excited for you guys and your newest edition.

  5. Congratulations!!! I can't think of 2 more deserving and wonderful parents! I hope the rest of your pregnancy continues to go well! So happy for you two!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I tried to write a comment a minute ago but I don't think it worked. Anyways, congrats! That is so exciting! I had the same experience in the temple. I started blacking out while kneeling. Luckily I didn't pass out. I hope things continue to go well. You look so cute pregnant.

  8. So Landon and I met your parents! They're in our stake! I was looking at your mom sitting thinking she looked familiar, but it's because I've seen pics of her on your blog (And you look ridiculously alike)! We introduced ourselves, and she told us you are expecting! I'm so excited for you guys! I got all choked up just hearing about it! So wonderful!!

  9. I am so excited for you! I had a similar experience at the alter a couple weeks ago (I almost passed out...) Be careful :)

  10. Congratulations! I'm so glad things are going well and the baby is healthy and strong. I'll keep you in our prayers--so happy for you!

  11. I can't believe you've passed out twice now! YIKES! You are doing great though. You are a strong woman. Love you!

  12. Congrats Robyn!!! I am so excited for ya'll. Geneve told me earlier when we were at lunch together, because she was just so happy for you two. I hope you are settling into the california life!! Pregnancy can definitely throw alot of curve balls, but is so worth it as you already know!! Can't wait to hear if you will be having another little boy or girl:)

  13. Congrats Robyn and Chris! Don't feel bad about telling us the tough things about being pregnant! We're with ya. Sorry about that plane experience... and the temple experience. You're a tough woman! :)

  14. We're so overjoyed for you and Chris and look forward to coming to visit! Give your little babe a love poke from us.
