I got a job! And I start tomorrow! I was hired through a temp agency and will be working on Stanford's Campus in a front office/receptionist type position. It is perfect because they know I am pregnant and still wanted to hire me and the job is temporary, just what I was looking for. I am excited!
Also, I had an ultrasound. I absolutely love ultrasounds! I love to see my baby moving around. This ultrasound machine was much higher quality than the one last week, you can tell from the pics...there is even a 3-D picture. The doctors say everything looks great. (The first two pictures are sideways for some reason..just a heads up)
I also received a package in the mail from my mom! She sent me so many fun things to make cards - which is a new found hobby of mine. I am definitely no pro but I have fun! I started making them with my little sisters and Lynn Beckett (close family friend from Australia) when I was living with my family while Chris was in New York. And now I can continue making them here! Thank you so much mom! Plus she sent me some great new books : )
And then to top off my wonderful day, I got to go to dinner with Chris : ) We went to the Counter - so delicious - and ate way too many sweet potato fries (well at least I did)